Prevention and Management of Violence & Aggression Consultancy

The Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression Service provide expert advice and guidance on the prevention and management of violence and aggression.  Verbal abuse and threats are often the most common type of incident.  Verbal abuse can also be very distressing.  When we are aware of the warning signs that could lead to a violent situation, we can be better placed to take action to reduce or prevent future incidents.

What Advice & Guidance can the PaMoVA team give me?

  • Advice on how to deal with acts of violence and aggression ranging from verbal abuse and threats through to physical assault
  • Assessing the risk
  • Advice on preventative strategies
  • De-escalation
  • Practical demonstrations of techniques to remove yourself from the situation
  • Access to expert advice and guidance 

Would you like further information?  Contact us on 0845 130 4041


Call us now

  • Scotland & Northern Ireland Tel: 01698 206 320
  • England & Wales Tel: 01253 209 764