Prevention and Management of Violence & Aggression

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines work related violence as 'Any incident in which a person is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work'.

The Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PaMOVA) service provides training and advice to help reduce the potential risk of violence and aggression at work.  The service can also provide focussed support to persons working within health and social care.

Why do I need PaMoVA training?

Violence at work and the fear of it can affect anyone.  Many organisations have staff that have experienced a violent or aggressive incident.  Some will have had staff absent as a result.  The Prevention and Management of Violence & Aggression Service provide training to assist in the prevention and management of the risks associated with acts of violence and aggression. 

The Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression is designed to promote prevention of violence as a first option and to prepare employees and users to safely deal with aggressive situations including high risk situations where physical interventions such as breakaway or control and restraint may be necessary.

Would you like further information?  Contact us on 0845 130 4041



Call us now

  • Scotland & Northern Ireland Tel: 01698 206 320
  • England & Wales Tel: 01253 209 764